Category: Fitness

Male Breast Development (Gynecomastia)

Breast (Gynecomastia) in men is usually a normal condition. It occurs in approx. 40% of boys in puberty. Gynecomastia may occur on one or both sides.

This is probably due to hormonal effects, although not seen in any blood tests. Before the operation, another cause of the condition is excluded: obesity, alcohol abuse, abuse of anabolic steroids, hormone-producing nodules in testes and adrenal glands, as well as metabolic disorders and breast cancer, very rare in men. If you are overweight, a weight loss is recommended before surgery.


Your condition will be further investigated and together we will assess the type of operation that suits you best and whether you should be hormonally diagnosed, which in most cases is not necessary. The operation with advantages, disadvantages and possible complications is reviewed. You may have a friend or relatives with you during the consultation


The operation can take place both in local anesthesia and in full anesthesia. It is performed as a sharp liposuction. Saltwater with local anesthesia and adrenaline is injected into the fat and glandular tissue. Through one to two holes cut and suck fat and gland tissue with a sharp suction needle having a diameter of 4 mm. This hardly comes any way and the result is very smooth. You can also operate by cutting the edge of the nipple, but it is rarely necessary. Men who have had a large weight loss can have pendants. In this condition, which is not really gynecomastia, the excess skin must be removed, which is a much larger operation.


Blood collection is seen in a few cases. If the operation is performed with sharp suction, the blood can often be pressed out. In very few cases, the blood must be removed by a small operation. Infection, sensory disturbances, decreased sensation and pain can be experienced. For unknown reasons, the nipple chest in some patients is often sore for months. This is normal and cannot be treated. It disappears in most cases. Smoking increases the risk of complications such as infection and less neat scars, which is why you are advised to stop smoking during surgery. A completely smooth and thus perfect result can only rarely be achieved. There can also be a slight difference between the two sides.

After surgery

You will get a tight bandage or vest. This must be worn for 7 days. You can go bathing the day after surgery. Sports or other hard physical activity involving the chest muscle should be avoided for 3 weeks. Illness, depending on work, 0-2 weeks. Normally, no threads should be removed. You will be offered control approx. 3 months after surgery. The result is usually lasting provided normal and healthy living.
You are very welcome to have a friend or relatives in the consultation.

You must eat and drink after strength training

Your diet is at least as important as your training. Therefore, you need to keep track of the diet if you want to achieve good results with strength training.

In fact, many experts believe the diet is even more important than training. Without the proper diet, your body does not function properly, which is why. goes beyond muscle building.

man with protein food showing thumbs up

Protein powder or skimmed milk

After strength training your body should use approx. 20-30 grams of high quality protein. At the same time, this protein must be quickly absorbed by the body so that the muscles immediately benefit from the protein.

Our muscles are made of protein, which in turn is built of amino acids. The right composition of amino acids is essential, as the body may not properly utilize this protein.

Protein powder is made from the right amino acids, so with a protein shake after training, your muscles get the right conditions for growth.

If you do not like protein powder, then the second best solution is skimmed milk. Skimmed milk also contains many good amino acids, and the composition reminds a lot about protein powder.

Carbohydrate helps in your recovery

If you drink a protein shake after exercise, you should also remember some carbohydrate. Grape sugar is one of the best, as it is super fast.

Normally, you should avoid these fast carbohydrates, but right after training it helps to restore your muscles. Add a little carbohydrate after your workout.

If you drink skimmed milk, then it is already carbohydrate in, so here you do not need to add extra carbohydrates. Some forms of protein powder also contain carbohydrates.

Chicken and lean meat
Chicken and lean meat are also excellent sources of high quality protein, but this type of protein is slowly catching up.

Therefore, meat is better at other times, so your body always has access to the important protein. After training, however, a protein shake is better as it provides a quick boost to the required protein.

At the same time, it is difficult to take meat for training. Before bedtime, lean meat is really good as the body has access to good protein all night.

Make Your own Strength Training Program

How do I get strength training?

It is probably the question most often encountered when dealing with strength training. And I’m sorry to say I don’t have the perfect answer to this question.

It depends on how you like to train and what results you hope for. I can give you some guidelines, but there is only one who knows what is best for you: YOU!

Making a strength training program may seem daunting, but it is actually really fun when you have the basics.

First of all, how do you train today?Does it work? Does it make you stronger and healthier? If the answer is yes, then finally know! However, if you are a beginner, or do you want to do things a little better, then it is good to know all the elements of a strength training program – so you can make one for yourself.

Strength Training Program

Let’s get started.

Where are you today?

How much time can you devote to training?

If you have an hour of strength training every day, then it’s great. If you have a wife, three children and full-time work, then you may only have time to train 30 minutes every other day. It’s also just fine. No matter how much time you have, building an effective training program is crucial. Why work out 2 hours in the gym when you can reach the same in 30 minutes?

Which strength training exercises should I choose?

Keep it simple, stupid.

Unless you are hoping to look like a bodybuilder, I recommend you train your entire body every time you are in the full body workout. Try if you can’t reach the center two or three times a week. You should strive to create a program that has at least one exercise for your quads (front of legs), buttocks and hamstrings (the back of the legs), your “push” muscles, your “pull” muscles and your core. Yes, it actually means you can do a fullbody program with just 4 exercises. Is it effective enough?

Quads: Squats and lunges.
Lower back and hamstrings: Death lift, good mornings, hip raises.
Push (chest, shoulder and triceps): Dumbbell press, bench press, elbows and dips.
pull (back and biceps): Chin ups, rows and pull-to-chest.
Core (stomach and lower back): The plank, hanging play raises, crunches, maintain climbers and belly bends

How many sets should I make?

Without including a heating set or two, I would recommend that you make between 3-5 sets per exercise.

I would recommend that you make between 15-25 sets in each workout (5 or 6 exercises with 4 sets is a good start). More than 25 sets can either be an overkill (harm more than it benefits) or be a sign that you are not pushing yourself hard enough.

How many repetitions should I make?

A good thumb rule of thumb says that if you want to be strong then work out with heavy weight while you need to exercise with lighter weights if you want to be big and buff.

The most normal is to train between 8-15 repetitions in each set. If you can make more than 15 repetitions, then the exercise is too easy for you. Put some more emphasis on or choose another exercise.

Why does the number of repetitions mean so much?

Set of 1-5 repetitions builds super dense muscles and raw strength (also called myofibrillar hypertrophy)

Set of 6-12 repetitions builds up both muscular strength and muscular endurance.

Set of 12+ repeats builds muscular endurance and mass (this is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy)

By strength training in all these areas, you build well-balanced and neat muscles – full of endurance, explosive power and strength.

How long should pause be between each set?

If you exercise with heavy weights, then you have to stay longer than if you are using light weights. This is due to, among other things, that you must be completely clear in the head, as incorrect (or wasteful) technique can mean bad damage.

1-3 repetitions: Rest for 3 to 5 min

4-7 repetitions: Rest for 2-3 minutes

8-12 repetitions: Rest for 1 to 2 min

13+ repetitions: Rest for 1 min

Keep in mind that this is only a rule of thumb. If you do not feel ready to move on to the next exercise, then extend the break. If your strength training program contains isolated exercises that only activate one smaller muscle, then you may well make the break even shorter than stated, provided your goal is muscle growth.

How long do I need strength training?

40 minutes to an hour.

If you make 15-25 sets then you should be able to finish your workout within 40-45 min. Supplement now 5-10 min of heating and extension subsequently, so the training can well pull out a little. If you can work out for over an hour and you do not feel completely exhausted, you simply do not push yourself hard enough!


Okay, I can see that this is a ridiculous amount of information, but they are all very important elements. Let’s break it down into small chunks:

ALWAYS warm up – 5-10 minutes – on a bike, rowing machine, skipping peat, running or the like.

Select a strength training exercise for each major muscle group – quads, buttocks and hoarding, push, pull and core.

Make 3-5 sets of each strength training exercise

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