Breast (Gynecomastia) in men is usually a normal condition. It occurs in approx. 40% of boys in puberty. Gynecomastia may occur on one or both sides.

This is probably due to hormonal effects, although not seen in any blood tests. Before the operation, another cause of the condition is excluded: obesity, alcohol abuse, abuse of anabolic steroids, hormone-producing nodules in testes and adrenal glands, as well as metabolic disorders and breast cancer, very rare in men. If you are overweight, a weight loss is recommended before surgery.


Your condition will be further investigated and together we will assess the type of operation that suits you best and whether you should be hormonally diagnosed, which in most cases is not necessary. The operation with advantages, disadvantages and possible complications is reviewed. You may have a friend or relatives with you during the consultation


The operation can take place both in local anesthesia and in full anesthesia. It is performed as a sharp liposuction. Saltwater with local anesthesia and adrenaline is injected into the fat and glandular tissue. Through one to two holes cut and suck fat and gland tissue with a sharp suction needle having a diameter of 4 mm. This hardly comes any way and the result is very smooth. You can also operate by cutting the edge of the nipple, but it is rarely necessary. Men who have had a large weight loss can have pendants. In this condition, which is not really gynecomastia, the excess skin must be removed, which is a much larger operation.


Blood collection is seen in a few cases. If the operation is performed with sharp suction, the blood can often be pressed out. In very few cases, the blood must be removed by a small operation. Infection, sensory disturbances, decreased sensation and pain can be experienced. For unknown reasons, the nipple chest in some patients is often sore for months. This is normal and cannot be treated. It disappears in most cases. Smoking increases the risk of complications such as infection and less neat scars, which is why you are advised to stop smoking during surgery. A completely smooth and thus perfect result can only rarely be achieved. There can also be a slight difference between the two sides.

After surgery

You will get a tight bandage or vest. This must be worn for 7 days. You can go bathing the day after surgery. Sports or other hard physical activity involving the chest muscle should be avoided for 3 weeks. Illness, depending on work, 0-2 weeks. Normally, no threads should be removed. You will be offered control approx. 3 months after surgery. The result is usually lasting provided normal and healthy living.
You are very welcome to have a friend or relatives in the consultation.